December 13, 2013

Latest Angstrom Distribution

I purchased two Beaglebone Blacks in early 2013. They shipped with:
Cloud9 GNOME Image 2013.05.20
This is discovered by connecting the USB cable, looking at the mounted "drive" and examining the file ID.txt.

This runs the 3.8.13 kernel for the ARM armv7l architecture.

I am of course wondering if this is the latest distribution and whether I can and should upgrade to a later release.

As near as I can tell, there have been 4 releases subsequent to 2013.05.20, and the latest available (as of December, 2013) is the 2013.09.04 release. See the first of the above for a link to this image.

To do an upgrade requires a 5 volt 1 amp wall wart and a micro SD card that is at least 4G in size. You will also need a USB card reader than accepts a micro SD card. You could also use a powered USB hub if you feel confident it will supply the required 1 amp or more. Personally, I will use a 5 volt 2 amp wall wart I purchased for this purpose. You should not attempt the upgrade simply powered over a normal USB cable. You should also disconnect any ethernet cable, as it draws additional power.

How to do the upgrade

Notes on doing the upgrade

I finally decided to do this 12-15-2013. I took a fresh out of the box BBB, installed the uSD card and held down the boot button. I was confused because it acts like a normal Anstrom boot, the lights are busy flashing, albeit with a somewhat different pattern now that I pay attention. I was running on a 5 volt 2 amp supply, so I felt no qualms about attaching a network cable and I could ping and even ssh into the running system. The 2013.09.04 flasher is still running a 3.8.13 kernel, so that is no way to discern whether the flasher is running or you mistakenly booted the system from eMMC.

It also seems that if the boot from eMMC fails and there is a uSD card present, it will give up on the eMMC boot and boot from the uSD card. This is nice, but confused me for a while.

It took 49 minutes to reflash my BBB with the 2013.09.04 image. There were lots of lights flashing the whole time. I was concerned because I did not see activity on the usr1 LED (which is supposed to be uSD card activity), but at the end of the alloted time, all 4 LED's were lit solid.

I removed the power cable, removed the SD card, connected my network cable, connected my power card, and it boots!!

root@beaglebone:~# uname -a
Linux beaglebone 3.8.13 #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 09:09:32 CEST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
root@beaglebone:~# cat /etc/dogtag
Cloud9 GNOME Image 2013.09.04

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

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