June 1, 2022
The main thing for right now is to start on a list of
"backyard birds" seen at my house in Tucson.
I live on the west edge of town, about 3 miles
west of Silverbell on Goret.
In no particular order --
- Mourning Dove
- White Wing Dove
- Gambels Quail
- Curve billed Thrasher
- Gila Woodpecker
- Coopers Hawk
- Common Raven
- Bells Vireo
- Hermit Thrush (resident, winter 2020/2021)
- Verdin
- Brown Crested flycatcher
- Northern Cardinal
- Cactus Wren
- House Finch
- Pyrrhuloxia
- Lesser Nighthawk
- Western Screech Owl
The following have been heard, but not yet seen:
- Lucy's Warbler 6-1-2022
- Ash-throated Flycatcher 6-1-2022
- Rufous-winged Sparrow 6-2-2022
Feedback? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Bird Info / tom@mmto.org