May 2, 2022
Android Development on Linux
I have one application (thus far) that I wrote back in 2012. Actually it was
originally written in C to run on linux and was ported to Java to run on Android
Android Development in 2023
Android Development in 2022
I still have ADT, but it no longer runs, throwing some kind of Java exception.
I hate Java. I have a new Pixel 6 running Android 12.
My old phone was running Anroid 5 (and my map application).
Many things about android development have changed.
Android Development in 2017
It is June 6, 2017. It has been 5 years,
and I can still type "adt" at the command line to launch the
Android Developer Tools and work on my Android Map application.
This is pretty amazing given that I have done many linux installs over those years.
Package exporting
I have my android key in /u1/tom/androidkey. Supposedly good for 99 years.
I use the A8 password. The application is in /u1/joe/Android/atopo, and the adt
knows how to find it automatically (along with the key). So to export atopo.apk
you type "File" -- "Export" and this brings up a menu.
Then you type "Android" -- "Export Application", browse and select atopo and
then answer various questions, providing the password twice.
It seems to put the final atopo.apk into /u1/joe.
Someday I should download a new version of the ADT perhaps, but that would involve
a bunch of work installing the wonderful vim gadget and tweaking all the settings to
get things just how I like them, so I will keep putting that off as long as possible.
Notes from back in 2012
My interest in android began when I became interested in some kind of
tablet that would run my
gtopo program.
This led to the purchase of a
Motorola Xoom in December of 2011.
Now that I have it, want to write an Android application for it.
I intend to do the development on my Fedora Linux system,
currently running Fedora 16 (x86_64).
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
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