This page is about how to deal with pull requests from the receiving end. I have another page that deals with generating a pull request:
For some time I have had a number of projects on Github, and sure enough, one day I got a pull request. This means that somebody forked my repository, made changes, and are now offering them back to me. This is a nice thing! It is all new to me though.It turns out that this can all be handled on Github, if you are trusting, you can just say, "OK, cool, merge those changes". A judgment call in any case.
git pull origin masterNo extra branches were created (at least in this case)
git checkout -b quietboil-master master git pull masterThis gives me the proposed changes in a new branch on my home machine. All the changes are in one file, so I do this:
git checkout master cp boot.txt /home/tom git checkout quietboil-master master diff boot.txt /home/tom/boot.txtAfter looking this over, I am satisfied, and click the button on Github to do the merge. Then I do:
git checkout master git branch -D quietboil-master
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