The book "The Craft of Functional Programming" is not worth your time. My advice is simple -- forget it, go with "Learn you a Haskell". This book is in a third edition (circa 2011). I found an inexpensive used copy of the second edition (1999), and even that money was essentially wasted. This is a textbook, and you might be forced to buy it for your course. If so, that is too bad.
Real World Haskell is a bad book! This is not to say you should not buy and study it, but realize that this is like buying a car with a broken transmission with the understanding that you are going to learn a lot repairing it. See my notes.
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Aside from these printed books, there are lots of interesting online tutorials; I provide links to a few that look good. Actually there are no end of online resources for learning Haskell, the trick is picking the good ones if you are going to invest your time.
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