I bought one of these for $12.90 (including shipping!) on Amazon in July of 2013. It seems to work just fine. This is a discontinued model and does only DOCSIS 2.0.
I wanted to minimize my expense of jumping from DSL to cable, figuring that I can absorb the installation charges, and upgrade the modem later.
It uses a Texas Instruments chipset and the firmware runs on VxWorks. It has a web management interface that you access at IP address The word is that it is almost impossible to change this address, but it doesn't really matter.
Supposedly these have a user admin with default password motorola, but I have yet to be prompted for anything like this.
I dug out my old Netgear MR814, which is a router with wireless and a 4 port ethernet switch. I connect the 5120 to the WAN port on this router, cycle power on the 5120, and voila, the MR614 gets an address on the cable companies LAN. I see an address like "", with a 24 bit netmask. It indicates DNS servers at addresses and My MR814 provides me with a local network of 10.0.0.x addresses. I let it run DHCP on addresses 10 through 20, and set up the MR814 as and my static IP machines as 10.0.0.n, where n is less than 10 -- works for me.
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org