First get the packages:
yum install ntpWhen I did this under Fedora 16, I got both ntp and ntpdate. If you want to run a time server (ntpq), you will also need that package, and more information than I am providing here.
You may want to ensure that UDP port 123 is not being blocked by your firewall.
The fedora distribution supplies a default set of servers in the file /etc/ntp.conf, but you can add a favorite (probably local) server of your own by appending a line like the following to this file. You can just slap this line on the end of the file, or more neatly add it to the list of public servers.
To check that you can actually communicate with a server
ntpdate -q
To do a one-time synchronization:
To enable a service to keep synchronized:
systemctl enable ntpdate.service
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