Setting up PPP.

Setting up PPP is a horrible nightmare I wouldn't wish on anybody. I would rather sit down on the floor with a claw-hammer and pound nails through my bare feet. I finally did get PPP to work, and it was at least an order of magnitude more difficult than installing the operating system.
An area where any change would be an improvement.

There is an entire HOWTO about setting up PPP. It may have been revised by now, but even if not, it is most helpful. Half the battle is getting your modem set up (this involves avoiding Win modems, fussing with PnP, putting things into rc.local to run setserial and running the pnpdump program set). The next battle is getting the chat scripts set up right and all the proper files arranged. A final step that I hope to tackle someday is getting dial on demand set up (along with perhaps a linux box as a dedicated router for my home network). Someday ...

At some point I will find my notes about this was done and put it here for the benefit of others.

Rumor has it that KDE contains a very nice and smooth interface to PPP, and someday I will start running KDE and have a look at it.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

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