April 26, 2022

Callan MFM drive - data recovery

The 20M MFM hard drive from my old Callan refuses to be read by the original disk controller. My friend AJ has had great luck with the device by David Gesswein that reads raw MFM data from the disk, and loaned me one for me to experiment with.

Gesswein device

This is an amazing piece of work.

The Gesswein device does far more than I need it to do. It will do the following:

A package from AJ arrived 4-25-2022 with a Gesswein device, an ailing BBB (beagleboard black) and a "Greaseweazle".


This is like a Gesswein device, but for floppy disks. It is based on a AT32F402 microcontroller, which is an ARM Cortex-M running at 200 Mhz. This is apparently plenty fast for floppy disks. There have been various other controllers used.

This is remarkably inexpensive. You can order one from Europe on Ebay, or from a seller in the United States for about $30 (in Florida).

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org