February 21, 2022
Callan Multibus 68k CPU board - Using the Promice
An addendum up front. I am probably going to end up not using the promice.
By removing the extension rom pair (which run the CWC boot loader), the
standard boot roms now run the rom monitor, which includes an S-record
download facility.
I want to do some experimenting with the Callan board.
I have no way to load code onto it that I know of.
I do have a Promice ROM emulator, and a dual unit that will
emulate a pair of 8 bit devices in the arrangement the
Callan uses, so this is my big chance to try it out.
I have used a plain old 8 bit Promice many many times, but this
dual 16 bit business will be new.
Much of the following will not be specific to the Callan.
Power jumpers
The manual says to always use external power and never let the
target power the promice. So you install the Ext jumper and
not the Rom jumper. If you are using fancy target probes,
you always select the "32" jumper. In my case, using DIP probes,
I need to select 24, 28, or 32.
So I will have 2 jumpers in place for each section.
The "Ext" jumper, and one of 24, 28, or 32.
Fancy pins/jumpers
There are a block of 10 pins that we can just ignore.
These are used for two way "fancy" debugging protocols.
Here they are just for the record:
rst+/rst- To target (we could use these)
int+/int- To target from "AI" software
mwr/swr To promice (write strobes)
req To target (PiCOM protocol)
ack To promice (PiCOM protocol)
inth To promice (directly drives CTS to host)
Mwr is "master write" to D0-D7 (lower subunit).
Swr is "slave write" to D8-D15 (upper subunit).
There is a keyed pin 34 cable (two of them on my newer unit)
that you use to connect to the host.
The first thing to know about this cable is that
pin 1 on the cable is not pin 1 on the ROM device.
Pin 1 for the device comes from various places along
the cable depending on the device, hence various cables.
What is constant is that pin 34 on the promice connector
is ground and will connect to the lowest left pin on
whatever device (pin 14 for a 2764).
And a word to the wise. The cables with DIP ends are precious.
So get a nice machine tool DIP socket and install it on the
DIP pins. If damaged, the socket can be replaced.
Also, it is quite easy to convert a 32 pin cable for 28 pin
use, using some strip type machine tool headers.
This has the additional advantage of raising up the ribbon
cables to perhaps clear other parts on the target board.
Feedback? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org