January 24, 2023
The computer language Zoo
With some amusement, I have watched the proliferation of new computer languages
over the past several years.
There seems to be a new one every month.
I sometimes peek at them, just long enough to make a quick evaluation, but in general
I am looking for a good excuse to just ignore them.
Here is a list of languages that I find pointless, boring, or uninteresting.
Go (golang). It pretty much looks like some kind of sandboxed C.
Perhaps a way to turn mediocre programmers loose with less risk of them getting in trouble.
Rust. Nothing compelling here. Good old C will do the job just as well in
every case that I have seen.
Lua. Nothing bad, but nothing good. Pointless when we have Python, Ruby, or even Perl.
Zig. Just another imperative language. Why yet another?
Haven't I missed some?
This isn't the place to argue the merits of languages I do use (and in some cases hate),
but this is a place to list languages that I am not even going to bother to look at.
Feedback? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org