October 6, 2016
The Kyu real-time operating system -- BBB "to do" list
These are things not yet implemented, but either in progress or
seriously contemplated.
This should be simple, but I haven't needed it, so am ignoring it for now.
analog inputs
These are part of the "touchscreen controller". They might be easy to get working and
it would be a pleasant diversion before attacking TCP networking.
8 channels of 12 bits with a 125 ns conversion time. 0 to 1.8 volt range.
One channel may be dedicated to a voltage reference.
TCP networking
This is the big item currently in progress.
We have UDP, along with important clients like TFTP.
USB support
This is the next big thing after TCP is working.
I would dearly love to have a USB console instead of
using a USB to serial gadget on the serial port.
Supporting the outbound USB port would come later.
Improved serial support
Kyu currently supports uart0 in a polled mode only. This is fine, and probably
advantageous for development and testing, but for production work it should be possible
to switch this to being interrupt driven. Also the BBB has 6 uarts altogether and
it should not be hard to generalize the driver to support them all.
We use one timer to drive scheduling and delays, but the BBB has other timers
(it has 8 all told) and it would be nice to write a driver so they all can be used for
any number of things.
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Kyu / tom@mmto.org