December 15, 2022

Xinu sources for TCP/IP - overview of TCP

First of all, some important statistics. So, the BSD code is 3 times as voluminous as the Xinu code. Why should this be? I cannot give just one definite answer. One thing that certainly contributes is that the BSD code was designed to support multiple protocols, particularly in the socket layer and that adds bulk to the code, even in spite of my efforts to prune out things that are unnecessary.

A high level view of TCP

From an implementation neutral point of view, what does the TCP protocol need to respond to? What makes it tick? User requests can be categorized as follows: That is it, ignoring calls to tune parameters and possible interactions with the ICMP protocol.

This provides a list of starting points to study any TCP implementation, and it is my intention to use this list to guide a study of the Xinu TCP code.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Kyu /