More modern processors offer this behavior as an option, and the fussiness is commonly disabled.
If you access a 4 byte object on a 2 byte or odd boundary you get a data abort
If you access a 2 byte object on an odd boundary you tet a data abourt.
The good news is that modern ARM processors can support unaligned accesses.The ARMv6 architecture introduced the first hardware support for unaligned accesses. ARM11 and Cortex-A/R processors can deal with unaligned accesses in hardware, removing the need for software routines.This functionality is available both on the Cortex-A8 in the BBB and the Cortex-A7 in the Orange Pi.
Unaligned access support must be enabled by setting the SCTLR.A bit in the system control coprocessor. Attempts to perform unaligned accesses when not allowed will cause an alignment fault (data abort).The way the above is worded is somewhat misleading. You need to clear this bit to allow unaligned accesses. With the bit set you have enabled exceptions on unaligned accesses, which is not what we are eager to do in this discussion.
#define SCTRL_A 0x0002 static void enable_unaligned ( void ) { int scr; asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0" : "=r" (scr) : : "cc"); scr &= ~SCTRL_A; asm volatile("mcr p15, 0, %0, c1, c0, 0" : : "r" (scr) : "cc"); }The documents also state tha this bit is clear on reset. On my experimentation with the Cortex-A8 on the BBB and the Cortex-A7mp on the Orange Pi, I have always found the bit set. I can only conclude that it is being set by U-boot.
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