If I just go to one of the other accounts and create a channel, I am sure it is going to tell me that my channel name is already in use (as indeed it is). So I go to my current Youtube channel and find "customize" and "basic information". Here I see my Name and Handle -- I add a "2" to each of these. I click the "publish button". They say they will allow this twice every 14 days.
Now I go to my other gmail, but it tells me the "Tucson Tom" handle is not available. Well, that is too bad. It apparently keeps it locked up in the database (or just doesn't update the database very often). And perhaps this is just the wrong way to go about it.
So, I go back to my original account and change the name back to "Tucson Tom". It warns me I will have to wait 5 days before I am allowed to change the name again. Even though I changed the name back, the change has not yet appeared.
The following video discusses the transfer process with what youtube calls a "brand account". Apparently there can be different flavors of account, I don't know anything about all this. As near as I can tell, my account is just a personal account.
So let's experiment on our own.There is a giant cloud of confusion and misinformation about all of this. All I can say is that once you get the handle you want don't mess with it!.
The "for kids" designation is confusing I don't really know what they have in mind here, but you do not want to indicate that your videos are "for kids" -- this will (to my surpise) make it impossible for people to comment. There is a place in the settings where you can indicate that you never intend to publish videos for kids and that will avoid you even being asked about this.
Tom's Digital Photography Info / tom@mmto.org