I launch vivado and start from scratch with a new project I call "s9_emio". The create project wizard looks all the same. I create a block diagram and add the Zynq block. It all looks familiar and exactly the same so far.
I work up a constraint file with all of the IO pins I want to connect to EMIO. I get 51 of them including the 4 on-board LEDs. I call this "emio_all.xdc". To add it, I go to "sources", click on the big "+", change the selection to "add or create constraints". Next takes you to "add file" then you get a filesystem browser. I go to:
/u1/Projects/Zynq/AntminerHere I select "emio_all.xdc". I ensure that the checkbox to "copy constraint files into project" is selected.
Now, back to the Zynq block. Double click to customize it.
A thing that is labeled "GPIO_0" appears on the block diagram. This is the 51 EMIO signals. Click to get a menu, and select "make external".
Run block automation and it makes connections to DDR and fixed_IO.
We could have switched off ethernet, but having those connections that
we don't intend to use should not hurt.
Now the design work is done!
Now run Synthesis. Wait for the popup to tell you it is done.
Keep an eye on the "progress" status in the upper right.
Watch for scary messages in the Tcl Console at the bottom.
Now run Implementation. Watch the popup when it finishes because it will default to "open implemented design" -- we want "generate bitstream" instead.
If we get this far without errors we won't have problems generating the bitstream. Well, that is what I thought, but it failed. I am betting on errors with the constraint file.
Indeed, I find the information I want under "Messages". It says that "set_property" expects at least one object and it names emio_all.xdc and elsewhere I see: "No ports matched 'GPIO_0_tri_io[0]'.
So the problem is that get_ports is returning a null. Here is a line from my bad constraint file
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { GPIO_0_tri_io[0] }];I get this error 51 times, so each and every line in my constraint file is defective.
The bottom line is that I need to figure out what the name of these ports is. I look at the Verilog for my HDL wrapper and see:
inout [50:0]GPIO_0_0_tri_io;So if I just change GPIO_0 to GPIO_0_0 in my constraint file, I bet it will work. I make my lines look like this:
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { GPIO_0_0_tri_io[0] }];I select the constraint file and do a vim s/tri/0_tri/ on all lines and it looks OK as per the above.
Now I run Synthesis again, and implementation, and now it finds a stupid error in my
Constraint file. I have a typo placing io-25 and io-22 on the same device pin.
I edit the constraint file again, changing W15 to U15 for io-25.
Then rerun everything and ....
And we have a bitstream!
/u1/home/tom/vivado/s9_emio/s9_emio.runs/impl_1/design_1_wrapper.bitWe can copy this into Kyu, rebuild, and write some C code to test this.
Tom's Computer Info / tom@mmto.org